Don’t Let Perfect Get in the Way of Good

I’m a perfectionist. No excuses or explanations, that’s just what I am. But it doesn’t have to always be that way. I’ve contrived in my head the perfect way to come back and do this blogging thing, but nothing was good enough. I wasn’t good enough. But I owe you all my transparency. Our filter saturated world would love to make everyone feel like perfection is attainable, dare I say the standard, but it’s not. It never was. We are all terribly flawed and in need of a Savior.

So stop trying to save yourself, stop trying to prove your worth in ways you were never created to. Trust God and let go of pride. I speak to myself first, most importantly! You are flawed and it is in your weaknesses that God gets the glory and can be all that you could never be to yourself. If I can I want to give a working definition for what perfectionism looks like in my life. “Leaning in my own understanding” yet finding that it is quite limited and terribly full of errors.

Let’s promise each other we will “trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding”. – Proverbs 3:5

❤ Nique

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